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Silver Linings

Finding beauty in an upside down world. As I sit in my home office to write this blog we are in the middle of a world wide pandemic of...

Maiden Voyage

Starting Life Anew All of us, if we are old enough (and sometimes even if we are not), have experienced major life changes. Changes that...

Search for Meaning

Part 1 of a Multi-Part Series on life and aging Aging Gracelessly The worst place to die. St. Petersburg, Florida is one of the best...

Life's happy little surprises

Have you ever noticed that sometimes, when you are least expecting it, life sends you a complete surprise that brings joy? Maybe...

Know History, Know Yourself

As I visited Fort Monroe this week, I was struck by the importantance of this spot to American history. Built in the early 1600s, which...

The Art of Letting Go

There are a lot of ideas, old wisdom, and commentary out there about the importance of being able to let go. When we hear this, we tend...

The River of Life

This photo reminds me of life – both amazingly tranquil and beautiful while also turbulent. It prompts us to recognize that sometimes we...

No Matter How Hard I Try...

One of the funny little bits of advice that we hand out liberally to our friends (and do not follow ourselves) is telling others to "try...

The Pure Joy of Discovery

When is the last time you experienced the pure joy of discovery? Was it as sweet as a ripe cherry just plucked from the tree and totally...

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