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Joy of Exploration

I'm not lost. I'm exploring.

There is nothing quite like the feeling of exploration and the natural joy of discovery. This site is dedicated to wandering, exploring, and, when we are lucky, discovering. We humans are natural explorers, seeking to know more about the world around us, about others and, ultimately, about ourselves. We will explore outer and inner landscapes, discovering things we have never before seen or known.

I became a psychologist because psychology and psychotherapy are about an internal exploration of self -- what we like, what makes us tick, what makes us stressed, and discovering enough about ourselves and our responses to the world around us to find a space for safety, security, peace, self-awareness, serenity, joy, contentment, and happiness. Therapy is a guided journey of exploration and discovery through which we come to understand, accept and love ourselves.

What If? and Why Not?
MY Other Sites of Interest
The Wondrous Adventures of MaddiE
Lori Vallelunga Photography
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Lori Vallelunga Photograpny

I'm not lost. I'm exploring.

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”        ― André Gide

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© 2017 by Lori Vallelunga, Ph.D.

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